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No Croutons Required - The Winner for February and the Theme for March

Congratulations to Alisa of One Frugal Foodie for winning the potato soup and salad challenge with this lovely Creamy Potato Miso Soup. She certainly had some tough competition.

I'm especially eager for Spring right now and after much thought, decided to focus on a cuisine from a warmer area of the globe and to go with a theme that falls in line with my specialty. For March, the challenge is to come up with an Indian or Indian-style vegetarian soup or salad. Soupy dal dishes are also welcomed. You have until the 20th to email us your entry. For a recap of the submission guidelines, please go here.

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Title : No Croutons Required - The Winner for February and the Theme for March
Description : Congratulations to Alisa of One Frugal Foodie for winning the potato soup and salad challenge with this lovely Creamy Potato Miso Soup . S...

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